Restore Health, Reverse Disease

Category Diet

The Real Vitamin Pills

I’ll always remember the first time that I was told “Father Christmas did not exist.” My older brother took great pleasure in bursting my 6 year old bubble. As he explained to me the truth behind Santa Claus I remember…


Sweetie, Sugar-pie, Honey……there’s no end to these sugar-related terms of endearment. To say that someone is Sweet is always a positive, unless it’s a potential girl-friend describing you which translates as “No way!” Despite our love of sugary terms, we…

To Eat, or Not to Eat?

I often get asked many questions as a Lifestyle Doctor. “How do I avoid cancer?”, “What’s the best cure for heart disease?” or “How do I reverse my diabetes?” However, the most common question I get asked is: “What’s the…

Good Food Colouring

I remember when I moved into my current home. I loved the bright spacious rooms with the neutral colours and clean lines. I was happy to leave the house that way. Why ruin such lovely rooms with unnecessary clutter…. such…