Restore Health, Reverse Disease

The Journey Starts Here

Lifestyle Medicine

The use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic interventions, such as a whole-food Plant Based Diet, regular physical activity, rest, and stress management, to prevent, treat, and reverse chronic diseases

Get the help you need

Prevent or Reverse these Diseases

Did you know that these diseases can be reversed without the intervention of surgery or medication and only through changes in lifestyle? Register with us to get more info on Lifestyle Medicine


Stress is or our toxic response to stress, making everything worse


Dementia is the premature aging of the brain.


Hypertension is where your vessels are under too much pressure.

Heart disease

It is where there is too much fat and cholesterol clogging up the arteries.


Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels.


Obesity results when we consume more calories than we burn.


Cancer is like an unwanted weed in the garden that can take over the entire garden.

Auto-immune disease

Auto-immune disease is where the body’s immune defenses attack our own bodies.


Depression is anger turned inwards, causing feelings of despondency and dejection.

Dr Chidi’s Core Message

Health, Healing and Hope

Dr Chidi speaks all over the world, hoping to educate, motivate and inspire people to a place of Health, Healing, and Hope. That is his core message; it takes in mind, body and spirit but is always based on the best scientific principles.

Dr Chidi’s focus as always is to give the scientific evidence that demonstrates how small changes in our lifestyle can have powerful and positive effects on our health.

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TalkRADIO Interview

The importance of Lifestyle Medicine

What inspired Dr Chidi to leave surgery and go into lifestyle medicine? Listen to Dr Chidi’s interview with talkRADIO and be inspired to change your lifestyle today

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Restore Health, Reverse Disease

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