Restore Health, Reverse Disease

The Importance of Impotence

After watching too many episodes of “Law & Order” one could be forgiven for thinking that there are only two forces that drive most men. The desire for Money and the desire for Sex. To lose a job or to lose the ability earn money is a serious thing. To lose the ability to make love is a Disaster!

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance. A penile erection is achieved by the hydraulic effect of blood entering and being retained in the sponge-like bodies within the penis. This causes the penis to become hard and erect to aid sexual intercourse. In – The Massachusetts Male Ageing Study- it was shown that 52% of men (aged 40-70) had experienced ED (mild 17%; moderate 25%; severe 10%).

There can be many reasons for ED such as side-effects of medication,  MS, Depression & Stress. By far the biggest cause of ED (>50%) is Atherosclerosis, that’s where the arteries which supply the penis are narrowed due to deposits of cholesterol & fat in the vessel walls.

This is obviously serious because if the arteries supplying the penis are getting blocked, then so are the arteries supplying your Heart, Brain, Kidneys etc. this means that you are at high risk of heart disease, hypertension and stroke. In fact the research tells us that 25% of men diagnosed with ED will have a stroke within 5 years! Very serious indeed.

So, what do you do if you have ED? The first thing to do is see your GP immediately. Do not wait a few months or years like many men do due to embarrassment. Believe me, your doctor has seen it all before and should make you feel at ease. The good news is that just as heart disease (clogged arteries to the heart) is reversible, so is the clogged arteries to the penis reversible. By changing your diet to a low fat Plant-Based Diet, high in vegetables, beans & whole-grains & increasing your daily aerobic exercise to 30-45min per day, those arteries will quickly start to open up again. Just by increasing the radius of the artery by 7% can give an increase in blood volume of >200%. If you’re able to make these simple changes you may be able to avoid medication or at least reduce the dose and length of time on them. It will also help your heart and all of your organs to keep Pumping away!

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